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Tuesday, 05 June 2018 11:12

Life in the community

As Dominican religious
we consider community life
as an indispensable feature of our missionary vocation.

It is precisely because ours is an individual mission 
it is nourished and proved in various ways in our life with sisters:
small communities inserted in the city areas
permit us to share more closely the life of people we are sent to
offers us and those in need, a space and time of silence
for prayer and study;
when a missionary is sent to work in a place where she has to live alone,
she feels herself sustained by her community in view of the evangelical efficacy of her mission.

The increased human mobility and changes that mark the current multicultural societies
sometimes seem to render transitory or problematic the living together,
which is often threatened by individualism and conflicts between different identities
in our cities and families.
Therefore today, more than ever, the religious life proposes once again community life
as its specific contribution to social cohesion and to the building up of Church.
Since community life is not founded on elective affinities or on ties of blood,
but on the call of each one by God, in the following of Christ
and hence it is founded on Eucharist and Word of God,
and nourished by liturgical prayer and on sororal sharing.

The communion of goods
and communitarian dimension of the apostolic mandate
exercised by the individual person with the support and on behalf of community
the intergenerational solidarity and integration of cultural differences
actualize in our time too the ideal model of primitive Church
proposed in the Acts of the Apostles.
Read 2951 times Last modified on Thursday, 16 May 2019 08:02


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About Us

Union “St. Catherine of Siena” of School Missionaries is a Dominican Religious Congregation.
We are called to accompany our contemporaries along their path with study and prayer and to seek along with them Gospel’s answers to the questions of our complex, multicultural society.
We want to live therefore coherently a Christianity of frontiers and be yeast and salt of the least visibility yet cause to leaven and give flavor.