Union “St. Catherine of Siena” of School Missionaries is a Dominican Religious Congregation.
We are called to accompany our contemporaries along their path with study and prayer and to seek along with them Gospel’s answers to the questions of our complex, multicultural society.
We want to live therefore coherently a Christianity of frontiers and be yeast and salt of the least visibility yet cause to leaven and give flavor.
We want to make ourselves path for Jesus the Redeemer to walk on. He cannot but be the passion of our life. Prayer – both liturgical and personal – makes us grow in friendship with Him and is nourished by the Word of God and Sacraments, to be living members of the Church.
Educational mission qualifies our vocation. We move towards the other just because it is Jesus who seeks him and are to win over in every person that poverty of knowledge and truth which is experienced to every time and place though in different ways.
State schools and every other areas of cultural and educative expressions are the privileged field of our mission because these constitute the meeting places of different generations.
Today, more than ever, in a phase of difficulty to communicate and of fear of the ‘different’, our mission commits us to make circulate human and Gospel values even among those who do not approach Church environments yet need to let themselves be met by Christ. So, we have to be Church's presence even to those ‘far off’.
For this reason, at the moment of our religious profession we express our renunciation to wear Dominican habit in life.
Individual apostolate springs always from community experience which is a place of sororal verification and momentum, in support of our mission. Even the one among us who may be sent to live alone for a time on a mission, remains united to her community.
In every situation of life, prayer and study are indispensable nourishment for our apostolic life, as is for all Dominicans.
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00178 Rome (Italy)
+39 06 78 44 11 +39 06 78 44 11 217
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