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Saturday, 04 August 2018 09:45

Changes in the catechesis on the death penalty

The letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith sent by the bishops on 1st of August 2018 shows the modification of the article 2267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It was done thanks to the pope Francis. However, the first ideas appeared already in the teaching of John Paul II (starting from the encyclical Evangelium Vitae, No 27), and were continued by Benedict XVI, who also recalled the topic at the end of the Audience on 30th November 2011 in the greetings in English.

It is the continuous movement of the Church towards better understanding. As Jesus has promised: “The Spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth” (John 16:13)! Light that enlightens also the mist and the violence of our time: one more time, it is the joy of the Gospel!
Read 1001 times Last modified on Saturday, 04 August 2018 13:50


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Union “St. Catherine of Siena” of School Missionaries is a Dominican Religious Congregation.
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