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Monday, 15 June 2020 08:59

Mumbai during the Pandemic Covid 19

The awaken city Mumbai, is one of the largest Metropolitan cities of India where most of the people are migrants, who have come in search of employment. The life of this city came to a standstill in mid-march 2020 due to coronavirus. The early alert by the government officers, helped to be more vigilant, in order to stay safe and follow the social distance.

The dense populated area experienced a dead silence…..Industries which functioned 24x7 stopped all kinds of work; metros, airways and buses which helped the people to reach to their destination remained motionless on the ground. Parks, malls, city centers and cinema theaters that entertained us remained closed. Everywhere silence and everybody in a state of fear, anxiety, helplessness and restlessness in an imposed silence and rest!!!
Nevertheless, this unprecedented state of life caused by the rapid spread of virus and the consequent lock down, has a bright side too in so many aspects. The human beings fully engrossed in materialistic and consumeristic world with the pretence of a lordship over everything, began to recognize gradually their inadequacies, incapacities and helplessness and thus lifted their eyes above to "from where shall come the help" to the Divine, to the One powerful turning to Him in trust for help in the moment desolation. How true the affirmation: "our hearts are restless until they find rest in Him"! So, this moment of desolation triggered the dormant spiritual life in everyone. When places of worship were closed down, the families tuned into temples where God is pleased to dwell. Catholic families became small domestic churches with a spirit of prayer and devotion.

Young parents with busy schedule who have had no time to spend with children and the aged parents now constrained to be indoors, began to experience the warmth of family life, of togetherness, evoking family spirit, unity, mutual concern and collaboration, thus rediscovering the beauty and sanctity of family life.
So, in a way this lockdown period helped everyone to recognize his/ her creatureliness before a powerful Creator!

This Pandemic caused hit badly the common man, the daily wage earners and the migrants who suffered lacking the bare necessities of life.

As the saying goes "when one door is closed, God will open another" & "Every dark cloud has a silver lining", the Catholic Church in Mumbai under the leadership of Cardinal rose up to the moment to meet the challenges of life. Many volunteers, good Samaritans came forward extending their generous service and help.
* Parish doors were opened to distribute the basic necessities of life.
* Many NGO`s opened their arms to cater the needs of the poor.
* Famous film actors extended their cooperation to our migrants to reach out their destination safe and sound.
* Schools and colleges which were shut down due to the pandemic, welcomed the homeless migrants offering them shelter. 
* The abrupt end of normal schooling created a lot of chaos among the students and parents. In order to help the children, teachers made use of the technology to keep them busy with academic programme.  

How could this happen in the midst of all dangerous situation? The answer is,… the divine voice echoed in the ears of all these good people “I was hungry, you gave me food, I was thirsty, you gave me to drink, I was homeless, you gave me shelter…” Though we do not have Mother Theresa of Calcutta, we could see many MOTHER THERESA`S who came forward willingly to offer their services and reach out to the people specially to the poorest of the poor. Hat`s of to all these people. May God bless them abundantly and give them good health of mind and body to do more service to the needy humanity.

Read 711 times Last modified on Monday, 15 June 2020 09:07


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Union “St. Catherine of Siena” of School Missionaries is a Dominican Religious Congregation.
We are called to accompany our contemporaries along their path with study and prayer and to seek along with them Gospel’s answers to the questions of our complex, multicultural society.
We want to live therefore coherently a Christianity of frontiers and be yeast and salt of the least visibility yet cause to leaven and give flavor.