Expenses for admission and dress code is mandatory in any type of school in Pakistan.
Yet what a joy to have access to school!
Yet what a joy to have access to school!
School Missionaries in Lahore are engaged in a project for supporting children who do not attend school because either they are constrained to help running the home chores or their parents cannot afford to pay the school fee. The Diocese of Trento, Italy, supports this project by providing financial aid.
Scholastic insertion of these children is indispensable to ensure them minimum education which will in turn allow them to make a positive contribution to society where ignorance and illiteracy are exploited to the core by the prevailing fundamentalism in its various forms.
By visiting the deserving families frequently in collaboration with the parish and lay teachers, the School Missionaries gradually introduce children – younger and older ones, mostly Christians – to schools and offer tuition classes to help them overcome the difficulties they may come across in their studies.
The joy and the tenacity of commitment of these students, often in hostile environments, bring them to professional school studies while some of them reach up to even university and professional levels that are not easily accessible to Christian minority.
Human growth of these children and their families sustained by Christian formation boosts in them motivation and courage, signaling a sure hope for the local Church and society in the building of a better future for all.